Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Letter Six- Life and Stuff

Dear Lisa21,

As hard as it may be to believe right now, i want to tell you that early mornings ARE the best time of the day.
There is so much you can get done in those hours before the nest springs to life- it truly sets the pace for the rest of the day.
Start a good morning routine NOW.
Get up, get dressed, walk, get busy and do it about 6.30am..........

You can always have a nap later in the day if needed or if not, an early night is a great answer.

BTW- do you know how beautiful you are now? i know you look in the mirror and want to scream, but honestly, you have never been more fresh and alive- the glow about you is amazing.

Dad can see it- it is why he hates you wearing makeup of any kind, because it just takes away from the radiance..........

Be patient with him, Dad; he is the best father in the world and you will know that one day.

He thinks he knows everything because he actually does and though we will never admit that to him, its true- the man is a genius.

Next time you are out shopping, grab a copy of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility , Emma and Jane Eyre......the first three are by Jane Austin and are classics you really need to read- the last one is by Charlotte Bronte- another literary classic.
They are hard going and knowing you, you will give up a few times, but i tell you Lisa, persistence will be so rewarding.

Put the bible away for now sweetie, its making you pig headed and arrogant- it is also allowing you to develop a judgemental streak that will be hard to kick.
Also,on the subject of books, you really don't need to read 'My Mother, My Self' by Nancy Friday.
There is nothing wrong with Mum and nothing wrong with you- time will put it in perspective.

For now, RESPECT your parents- the rest will fall into place and PLEASE keep recording your 'esp' moments- i know they are a secret but they wont always be and so much is happening right now.

The answers you seek are not in the Bible- put it away for now.

Will write again soon


PS...........Woollie needs to see a vet- now would be a good time xx


  1. This is such a neat idea for a blog! Great letters -- interesting insights and humorous touches! And I'm with you re camping. Why anyone does it is beyond me.

  2. What a great Idea.
    I might do this for myself, only on pen and paper not quite ready to share that much of myself with the world.
    You are so brave.

  3. Hmmm. Thinking I need to steal some of that advice for my own Daya21. Just some of it... pretty sure the bible thing doesn't apply to me right now :)


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